Week 2

Face-to-Face vs. Online Teaching and Learning in Higher Education


  1. Hi Dawn,

    Great video! Here is my response: https://screencast-o-matic.com/watch/cre2hwVcAHK

    Another point I thought about later regarding your students who go straight to the "help" button on their homework. I wish there was a platform that required students to view videos as a pre-requisite before they were able to access the assignments. Not sure if that exists, but that would be helpful! :)

    Take Care,

    Rachel Acosta

    1. Hello,
      Unfortunately, the audio wasn't working properly so this is my 2nd attempt at my response. Hopefully, this one works!


      Thank you,
      Rachel Acosta

    2. Hi, Rachel! Thank you for your response to my post. You shared some ideas that I can incorporate into my classes that are being held synchronously. I, too, love the chat feature in Zoom -- it gives students the opportunity to ask a question without having to speak out loud whether they are just being shy or whether they are trying to be respectful and not interrupt. Like your students, my students use the private chat, too. Teaching online isn't ideal, but I think we are making the best of the circumstances in which we find ourselves.


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